Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Just an update.

Just an Update, Seth is working hard for a New company in Hobbs New Mexico.
They keep him busy, and looks like all is going well.
Plenty of opportunities for growth with their company in the years to come.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 2012

Seth has moved on from Freight-liner of Utah after 4 months of working with them. They felt he did not quite fit in with a member of management, thus to his surprise and his co workers they let him go.

Seth is currently looking for a New home to share his skills with and to learn from their years of experiences they can share with him.

He hopes to find another Mechanic's job that will allow him to grow and advance with them while helping the company to the best of his abilities. A company that has a possible long term future.

If you or anyone you know are in need of a good mechanic contact Seth and interview him to see if his skills and personality will fit your style of business.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Warning's for America's Future!: Spring Water, Bottled Water | Beaver, Utah

Warning's for America's Future!: Spring Water, Bottled Water | Beaver, Utah:

I add this and suggest if you can get some of this water do so... it's great. Last time I went to the Tushar's above Beaver Utah with my son on his 50 mile hike for scouts was the 1st time I tasted this water from sources above 8,000 - 10,000 ft elevation, was great thought it would be a good thing to bottle it. Guess some folks did. So I will pass on the good news.

Spring Water, Bottled Water | Beaver, Utah

Transforming the Taste of Bottled Water
CALL: (801) 796-8700
2080 S 550 W, Beaver, UT 84713

Bottled Spring Water in Beaver, Utah

BEAVER WATER INC. is a bottler in Beaver, Utah, providing the most natural-tasting bottled spring water. We're not a big, national distributor, but rather a small town company with hands-on ownership that ensures the quality of our water. We also help stimulate the job market in our local area. 
The Water Purification Process Millions of years ago our area had several volcanoes leaving a mountain of undergroud lava, during rain storms water is collected in high mountain pools then water filters down through 11 miles of underground lava rock. The water is purified through this process, and appears as a spring near the valley floor providing us with natural great-tasting mountain spring water that we pass on to you. 
Taste the Difference Our bottled water is available in 1 liter and 700ml sizes in regular plastic drinking bottles that have been formulated into biodegradable and recyclable materials. Our water will soon be available in gas stations and convenience stores near you! 
Don't be fooled by the term distilled or vapor distilled this is a term that the big water companies want you to believe is a good term, However all these terms mean is that the water source that the bottler is using won't pass government standards for purity therefore it needs to be boiled to pass purity. The water companies that use these terms usually source their water from public treatment facilities as recycled water. Please try beaver water and find out why we win in National and world wide contests again and again for purity and taste.
Water - Bottled Water in Beaver, Utah
Contact us to learn more about our bottled water manufacturer or Beaver's natural water source.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Warner Truck Center - Freightliner - Conventional Trucks - Utah Utah Tank & Trailer

Warner Truck Center - Freightliner - Conventional Trucks - Utah Utah Tank & Trailer

Job Search Update! 1st job Found!



2240 S. 5370 W
Salt Lake City, UT 84120-1278
Direct Phone: (801) 978-8000
Toll Free: (888)733-5322
Fax: (801) 978-7946


Seth has interviewed and has been accepted to begin his career with this company.
Now it is time to help him find a place near the place as he starts his journey
in life as a Diesel Mechanic Serviceman.

Should start next week Tuesday for orientation and scheduling. 1/10/2012